Sunday, February 8, 2009

Writing & Me..

Well.. I just remembered that I have created this blog some time around this month of the year two years ago which was about 5 months before I got married. I never was the type of blogger person nor do I think I am either today, but writing is just a part of who I am and what I live for. When I am driving sometimes I can see the ideas and thoughts I write with all my thoughts just dancing before my mind rediscovering life and the world and what we now live in. Moments of shame, moments of pride , glory and infamy. It is a long way where I try to find myself.. where I try to find where do my words fit. Talented or not , a pen in my hand or a keyboard under my fingers is where my thoughts will always be hovering. Somewhere in a world between dreams , paper or cyberspace..maybe what I will say will make sense to someone or none to no one at all. but its the fact of me..

of writing and me..

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